中心助理研究员李晓蒙在SSCI期刊Feminist Media Studies发表论文


上海外国语大学中国国际舆情研究中心助理研究、新闻传播学院讲师李晓蒙博士于近期在Feminist Media Studies(女性主义媒介研究)》(SSCI一区、影响因子2.922)期刊发表了题为Constructing the ultimate “leftover women”: Chinese media’s representation of female PhDs in the postsocialist era”的学术论文,摘要如下:

Although China’s “leftover women” phenomenon has drawn much attention academically in recent years, there is a lack of clarification of the diversity within these largely “demonized” women. This study is particularly interested in the female PhDs in postsocialist China since they are supposed to exemplify women’s empowerment but still end up being the common target of patriarchy. Therefore, this study not only examines patterns and implications of Chinese mass media’s representation of female PhDs, but also analyzes how media coverage of them has reflected the Chinese authorities’ strategic dissemination and consolidation of patriarchal power and ideologies in a postsocialist context intermingled with neoliberalism. In the end, the study discusses China’s discursive marginalization and eugenic concerns regarding female PhDs, as well as the causes of the lack of collective negotiation within these women.

李晓蒙博士留学美国11年,2020年于美国俄亥俄大学新闻传播学院毕业,获得大众传播学博士学位,主要研究方向为流行文化、性别研究、国家话语等,曾在Feminist Media StudiesGlobal Media and China等国际期刊发表论文,现担任《Online Media and Global Communication》助理编辑。